Ryan Turnipseed

New Right Fights with Ryan Turnipseed

Ryan Turnipseed on Receiving the LCMS Major Ban

Ryan Turnipseed Wins! LCMS Whistleblower Excommunication Backfires.

Are Conservative Denominations Enforcing Leftist Cancel Culture? | Guest: Ryan Turnipseed | 5/24/24

Progressive Infiltration Of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Ryan Turnipseed

The TRUTH About Separation of Church and State | Guest: Ryan Turnipseed | 7/8/24

Excommunicated for TWEETING? Ryan Turnipseed & the LCMS

Elon and Vivek Start an H-1B Showdown | Guests: Ryan Turnipseed and The Prudentialist | 12/31/24

Was the Constitution America's First Coup? | Ryan Turnipseed | 6/2/23

The New Catechism of the LC-MS

Episode 1057: Is There a Future for Right-Wing Christianity? w/ Ryan Turnipseed

The Purge in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Pastor Ben Squires on Recent Events in Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod

MLK Conservative Icon??? | Guest: Ryan Turnipseed | 1/17/23

Who Will America Be?

Turnip's Digest: The Church and the Red Pill

The LCMS Large Catechism Controversy | A Post Mortem

Turnip's Digest: Peace-Preaching Churches

The Timeline of Recriminations

The ABCs of Austrian Economics

Turnip's Digest: The Dixiecrats 1948-1968

Turnip's Digest: Protestant... Integralism?

Strategy for the Right: The Confederacy

Turnip's Digest: Christian Nationalism with Stephen Wolfe